Whether we’re offering FREE TRAINING worth hundreds of thousands to minorities, veterans, and other important populations or we’re creating software that will change the world everything we do is designed to have maximum impact in the shortest time possible.

  • Anything we build/do = rewards & potential profit for YOU

  • We’ll train you in what to do – Whether your a newb or 1337

  • Industry leading Hands On certifications – Get certified in many different areas

  • Hacking Teams – Veterans, LGBT, Minorities, Youth, Women’s, & General

  • Massive Impact – Using the combined power of people just like you


The ultimate in raw searchable bodycam footage where you get paid to vote and hold the government accountable.

Imagine a world where every action a police officer takes is voted on by people just like you. From the laws they enforce to many different criteria that YOU choose.

A world where bad officers are quickly eliminated. Where every complaint is available to view and every penny they cost the tax payers known.

We already have the app 85% complete. However there are security vulnerabilities preventing us from offering it to the public.

If you are a developer or want to donate or support the project click here


Sexual Exploiter | Nearby Tracking | Informational Network | Eternal Lookout & Classification System

This app is our answer to 4 key areas that currently leave society vulnerable to sexual predators(each with deadly consequences).

The first phase of the app is a simple one. If you ever are in a potentially risky situation and need help but can’t access your phone you just say a custom phrase and your device starts capturing all sorts of important information and calls 911.

Coming soon for Android, iOS & web.

If you are a developer or want to help, support, or donate click here.


Forensics | OSINT | Wi-Fi | Penetration Testing | Bug Bounties | Law Enforcement | Hardware Tools | Malware Analysis | Scam & Sex Offender Interdiction & Accountability

We offer free training to everyone listed below as well as those with enough tokens earned from supporting our charity. Anyone can do it and earn whats needed. It is also available via purchase.

Some programs are invite only or require background checks.


Veterans | Minorities | Victims of War on Drugs | EMT’s & Firefighters | Formally Incarcerated | LGBTQ | Low-Income(less than $30,000) | Public Defenders | At-Risk Youth

Sign up For Training Here